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Nirjala Ekadashi 2023 Date: When is Nirjala Ekadashi fast, know here the exact date and auspicious time of this special fast

Nirjala Ekadashi 2023: When is Nirjala Ekadashi fast, know here the exact date and auspicious time of this special fast

Nirjala Ekadashi 2023: When is Nirjala Ekadashi fast, know here the exact date and auspicious time of this special fast

Nirjala Ekadashi 2023 Date: Ekadashi has great importance in Hinduism. There are two Ekadashis in every month. In which first in Shukla Paksha and second in Krishna Paksha. The Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha that falls in the month of Jyestha is called Nirjala Ekadashi. This Ekadashi has great importance. By observing the fast of Nirjala Ekadashi, one gets freedom from all troubles.

This year Nirjala Ekadashi will fall on 31 May 2023, i.e. Wednesday . It is believed that if you are not able to observe a single Ekadashi fast in the whole year and observe only one Nirjala Ekadashi fast, then Vishnu ji takes away all your sorrows. Food and water both have to be sacrificed on the day of Nirjal Ekadashi, only then this fast becomes successful. This fast has great importance. By observing this fast one gets freedom from all sins.

Nirjala Ekadashi Shubh Muhurat

  • Ekadashi Tithi will start on May 30 at 01:32 pm.
  • Ekadashi Tithi will end on May 31 at 01:36 pm.
  • Due to Udaya Tithi, fasting on Ekadashi Tithi will be observed on 31st May.
  • Observe the fast on June 1, 2023 i.e. Thursday. The auspicious time for Paran is from 05.24 am to 08.10 am.

Nirjala Ekadashi Puja Vidhi (Nirjala Ekadashi Puja Vidhi)

  • On this day wake up early in the morning and take bath etc.
  • After this install the picture of Vishnu ji on the post.
  • Abhishek Vishnu ji with Ganges water.
  • Must keep Tulsi in the worship of Vishnu ji. Worship would be incomplete without it.
    Offer yellow cheese to God.

Importance of donation on Nirjala Ekadashi (Nirjala Ekadashi Significance) There

is special importance of donation on Ekadashi. By donating on this day, special blessings of God are received. On this day, the people should give water, syrup to the needy people, or donate it, it is also considered auspicious to donate a pot or pot on this day. So you also keep this fast with full devotion and devotion, Vishnu ji will fulfill your every wish.


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