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HomeLifestyleChanakya Niti: Must do these 3 things in this birth, you will...

Chanakya Niti: Must do these 3 things in this birth, you will get happiness and success at every step

Chanakya Niti, special work must be done to make human life meaningful. This is the work that gives auspicious results to a person while he is alive as well as after his death.

Chanakya Niti: Human life is considered the best among 84 lakh births, according to Chanakya, any person is born with a special purpose. Human life is valuable. In Chanakya policy, special work must be done to make human life meaningful.

This is the work which gives auspicious results to a person while he is alive as well as after his death, brings happiness and success at every step.

Dharmarthkamoshreshu yasyaikopi na vidyate.

Janma Janmani Martyeshu Maranam Tasya Kevalam ॥

religious observance

Chanakya Niti says that a person who lives under Dharma is never sad. Problems definitely come in his life but only for a moment. Their religion takes people on the right path of life, a person who follows religion never does bad deeds.


Acharya Chanakya says that any creature who is born as a human must do some work in his life, life without a goal is like an animal. A person who stands on his own feet never gets the chance to extend his hand in front of anyone. A hardworking person has a sense of responsibility. God also supports the person who works. On the other hand, those who do not do anything destroy their clan with their lives.


According to Chanakya Niti, it is very important to have money in a man’s life. To get money, it is necessary for a person to decide his goal. Apart from earning money, it is necessary to use it properly, only then it will bring happiness and success. When money comes, make good use of it in savings, investment and charity.


Salvation is the last stage of any person’s life, every person attains salvation by his goal, work and deeds. Only those who do good deeds get salvation.

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